Blog entries

That First Jump (1942) – Gene’s POV

Today was good. It was kind of a reflection of how I want the summer to go, -standing in the branches of the big tree on the bank of the river. The terrifying height was all I could think of, how easily I could’ve slipped and how quickly the fear escaped me when I hit the water. 



That First Jump (1942) – Finny’s POV

First off- I would like to credit myself fully on finding the perfect tree. YES, a tree that sits on the river, one that me and the boys can jump perfectly from into the water. Today we tried it out and let me tell you- it is fantastic. I climbed to the top, which isn’t THAT tall, but tall enough to give me the quick 2 seconds of euphoria before i hit the water. Why would Gene stop anyway?

Nobody’s going to get hurt.



Return to Devon – Gene’s POV

Coming back here after so many years is surreal. It’s almost as if i am walking into the set of a television show i knew well or into the plot of a book i had read too many times. Devon has hardly changed in some perspectives, like that big marble staircase. But then again i look around and i see new wall hangings and furniture and it gives me the feeling that someone moved into my home and changed things that i remember differently.

I rushed through life thinking that i have barely changed because i never felt different day-to-day but coming back here to Devon i san see that the young boys we were in 1942 with that stupid and carless club are much different than everything i have evolved into.



That First Jump (Present Day) – Gene’s POV

After visiting Devon last week I have found myself re visiting the first jump in my head almost every day. Everyday I remember things that were irrelevant back in 1942. In 1942 all I seen was tunnel vision where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do, I heard people talk about the bigger picture but I didn’t see it until I think back to the dramatics of my Devon year and I step into somebody else’s shoes. Anybody else’s.



That First Jump (Present Day) – Finny’s POV

Thinking back on the Devon days a lot lately. I keep going back to specific days… days like our first jump out of the tree, when all that mattered was not getting in trouble and having fun doing so. I remember feeling so carefree and just jumping without a single glance downward Why did i crave the rush of the jump so much? I remember watching Gene examine the situation before jumping and now after revisiting Devon, maybe i should have re evaluated my choice to go up there as well. To answer my own question-

Boys will be boys.

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